Statement on the health status of Comrade Abdullah Gedo member of the Central Committee of (P.Y.K.S)
We received information of our certain sources through leaks from PYD Asayish prison about deterioration of the health status of the comrade Abdullah Gedo member of the Central Committee of Kurdish Yekiti Party in Syria (P.Y.K.S) in the PYD Asayish prison, where it was stressed that: his health is unstable and this poses a threat to his life in under the neglect of health conditions and failure to do the necessary treatment in detention and preferably transfer him to a private hospital for treatment urgently, according to the comrade Abdullah Gedo family he suffers from asthma and prostate,Our sources knew that our Comrade’s health deteriorating and that the symptoms of the disease appear on his face and his body so that his family and his friends and all his fans live in permanent fear and worry for his health,Note Mr. Abdullah Gedo was arrested with his comrades during the funeral of Peshmerga martyr Habib Qadri, where they were abducted by a group of PYD asayish, and as the families of detainees carrying the mentioned party and its Asayish responsible for the safety of the detainees in their prisons several days ago.
We are in the Kurdish Yekiti Party in Syria – Organization of Europe call for Human Rights and humanitarian organizations striving to form a pressure on the Democratic Union Party for the release of Comrade Abdullah Gedo and all his comrades of political prisoners from defacto authorities’ prisons especially as they have not committed any crime but doing their national duty in the funeral of the peshmerga, who was martyred in defense of the land of Kurdistan against terrorist groups and hold the PYD responsibility for the safety of Comrade Abdullah Gedo and his detainees’ comrades.
Europe Organization of Kurdish Yekiti Party in Syria,(P.Y.K.S).