Breaking news

    Release of members of the Kurdistan Yekiti Party

    Yekiti Media On Wednesday, July 24, 2024, Democratic Union Party gunmen released three detainees from…
    Breaking news

    Revolutionary Youth Organization kidnapped a child Girl from Afrin

    Yekiti Media In 16/7/ 2024 the PKK-affiliated Ciwanên Şoreşger organization/ Revolutionary Youth kidnapped a girl…

    Revolutionary Youth Organization kidnapped 6 children from Alhasaka and Afrin

    Yekiti Media In the beginning July of 2024 the PKK-affiliated Ciwanên Şoreşger organization/ Revolutionary Youth…

    Washington opposes holding elections in areas controlled by the Syrian Democratic Forces

    Yekiti Media The US Embassy in Syria announced its refusal to hold elections in areas…
    Breaking news

    Revolutionary Youth Organization kidnapped a child boy from Alhasaka

    Yekiti Media In 7/7/ 2024 the PKK-affiliated Ciwanên Şoreşger organization/ Revolutionary Youth kidnapped a boyl…
    Breaking news

    Revolutionary Youth Organization kidnapped a child Girl from Aleppo

    Yekiti Media In the beginning July of 2024 the  PKK-affiliated Ciwanên Şoreşger organization/ Revolutionary Youth…
    Breaking news

    Revolutionary Youth Organization kidnapped 7 children from Qamshlo and Amuda

    Yekiti Media In the beginning July of 2024 the PKK-affiliated Ciwanên Şoreşger organization/ Revolutionary Youth…
    Breaking news

    A statement about the attack by Democratic Union Party militants on the peaceful gathering called for by the Kurdish National Council in Qamishlo

    Yekiti Media The Kurdish National Council in Syria called for a peaceful mass protest this…

    A statement from the General Secretariat regarding the kidnapping of members of the Council parties by PYD militants

    In continuation of the fierce campaign by PYD militants against the Kurdish National Council, the…
    Breaking news

    Revolutionary Youth Organization kidnapped a child Girl from Afrin

    Yekiti Media In 7/6/ 2024 the PKK-affiliated Ciwanên Şoreşger organization/ Revolutionary Youth kidnapped a girl…
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