101-Year-Old Man Who Survived Spanish Flu and World War 2, Now Beats Coronavirus Too
Yekiti Media
Some people never get to catch a break; this 101-year-old man from the coastal Italian city Rimini, was born amid the 1918 Spanish Flu, grew up between two World Wars, and now, he became the oldest person to recover from the novel coronavirus in Italy, as reported by the Italian media.
The patient referred to only as “Mr. P”, was admitted to the Rimini hospital – Ospedale Infermi di Rimini – seven days ago after testing positive for COVID-19. Mr. P is not a stranger to pandemics; he was born in 1919 while the 1918 flu pandemic was raging his town. The Spanish Flu would take an estimated number of 600,000 Italians but spare him.
One hundred years later, he would find himself in a hospital, having returned to where he once started.
After he was hospitalized, the medical staff was rather hopeless since coronavirus hits people above 65 the hardest, however, according to Gloria Lisi, Vice-Mayor of Rimini, once the patient started recovering quickly, he became “the story everyone talked about” in the hospital. She added, “Everyone saw hope for the future of all of us in the recovery of a person more than 100 years old.”
Upon recovery, Mr. P was discharged from the hospital. As Lisi beautifully put, “Mr. P made it. His family brought him home yesterday evening, to teach us that even at 101 years, the future is yet to be written.”
It can be hard to cling to hope with negative news flying at you from every direction; however, Mr. P’s story is undoubtedly something to behold. His case might be a rarity among many, but nonetheless, reminds us to never give in to despair, since humanity has the power to surprise you, even in the bleak and scary reality of a pandemic.