President Barzani’s Kurdish New Year Message
Yekiti Media
In the name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate
On the occasion of Newroz, the commencement of the year 2720 of the Kurdish calendar, I would like to start by wishing a happy and meaningful New Year to the families of the honorable martyrs, the valiant Peshmerga forces and all Kurds, inside Kurdistan and abroad. I wish them peace and security.
It is indeed unfortunate that our Region and the entirety of the world are facing the threat of a global pandemic which is resulting in extraordinary health and economic challenges to all countries across the globe. The Kurdistan Region is not exempt from COVID-19 and has become a major challenge for the people of Kurdistan.
It is therefore necessary to call upon all sides, as a national duty, to strictly adhere to the health guidelines of the Kurdistan Regional Government. Adherence to the instructions of the various institutions of the KRG means protecting ourselves and reducing the risk of further expansion.
It is also fitting to commend the Kurdistan Regional Government for the initiatives which have been taken since the beginning of this epidemic. Those initiatives have greatly contributed to preventing the spread of the virus and keeping it at the low levels compared to neighboring countries. I would also like to express my appreciation to medical doctors and health officials, the Security and Police forces, the Peshmerga forces and all other concerned parties for their efforts, which have kept the Kurdistan Region at a relatively healthier state.
We are certain, relying on first and foremost, His Almighty and the complete cooperation between the people and the government, that we will overcome this obstacle.
Happy Newroz to the dear people of Kurdistan.