Alan Salim Ahmed journalist’s father : my fears are increasing because of the mystery disappearance of my son in PYD prisons
Yekiti Media
Alan Salim Ahmed journalist’s father expressed his concern for his son’s mysterious disappearance in PYD’s prisons; and said to Yekiti Media website : after more than two and half months of arrest and I do not why they do not allow me and his mother to see him, I’m afraid to have beaten or tortured in prisons PYD, while Alan is suffering from a disease in his neck.
Salim also pointed out that his fears increased after his recent visit to PYD Asayish center,and they do not disclose his whereabouts, and do not allow visits pretext investigations that are no longer end.
The Organization of prisoners, which follow PYD admit the existence of Alan in PYD prisons on 27/10/2016, But did not explain the charges against him and not about his health as the father of journalist.
It is worth mentioning that the journalist Alan Ahmed was arrested on 15/08/2016 in Alantarah contract during the funeral of Peshmerga martyr Habib Qadri with three another persons (Deputy secretary of Kurdish Yekiti Party Mr. Hassan Saleh, member of the Central Committee of the Kurdish Yekiti Mr. Abdullah kaddo and member of Kurdish Yekiti Party the engineer Farhan Hassan, who were allowed to their families to visit for twice while preparing this report.