Sergei Lavrov: “Creating a quasi-state east of Euphrates River in Syria is unacceptable”
The Russian Foreign Minister, Sergei Lavrov, Sergei Lavrov said that attempts by the United States to establish a new entity east of the Euphrates River in Syria are “unacceptable.”
In an interview with Russia Today on Friday night, Lavrov said that Idlib is not the last problematic place in Syria. He said, “ To the east of the Euphrates river, there are vast lands where absolutely unacceptable things happen. The US is trying to use these territories through their Syrian allies, particularly, the Kurds, in order to create a quasi-state there,”
Lavrov added that the US is trying to find appropriate conditions for its allies to stay and to create alternative bodies of the Syrian government institutions.
Meanwhile, the Turkish President, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, stated that Turkey would soon eliminate “terrorism” east of the Euphrates River in Syria, referring to the US-backed People Protection Units.