Ciwanên Şoreşger kidnapped one minor Girl from Qamishlo
Yekiti Media
On Thursday 19 May 2022 , the PKK-affiliated Ciwanên Şoreşger organization kidnapped a minor girl from Qamishlo city.
A local source told Yekiti Media, “The Revolutionary Youth Organization of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party has kidnapped the Girl Helin Mosa Mosa.
The source also explained, “The minor Girl is from the west neighborhood/Mounir Habeb street in the Qamishlo city, and she is 30 January 2008 in Aamuoda city.
Ramadan Mosa, who is the uncle of the girl, Helin, said that she was kidnapped on Thursday when he returned from Zaki Al-Arsuzi School, after she had taken the eighth preparatory grade exams.
The commander of the Syrian Democratic Forces, Mazloum Abdi, had signed, in 2019, with the United Nations representative for children and armed conflict, Virginia Gamba, a plan of commitment to end and prevent the recruitment of children under the age of 18 and their non-use in military actions.
The Revolutionary Youth Organization is recruiting children in Kurdish cities and sending them to PKK camps in the Qandil and Shingal mountains.