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PYD militants smuggle ISIS operatives from Al-Hol camp to Sere Kanye (Ras al-Ain) and Grê Spi (Tall Abyad)

Yekiti Media

An informed source revealed that members of the terrorist organization ISIS are being smuggled from Al-Hol camp in the countryside of Al-Hasakah to the areas controlled by the armed brigades in both Sere Kanye (Ras al-Ain) and Grê Spi (Tall Abyad).

A source from the city of Sere Kanye Lekiti Media, who preferred not to be named, confirmed that the PYD militants are smuggling ISIS elements from the Al-Hol camp, which is guarded by the PYD Asayish, to the city in numbers estimated daily by more than ten people, and they recieve for each person an amount of one thousand dollar from the fugitives.

Adding that they are transported through crossings secured by the two parties to the conflict (the armed brigades supported by the Turkish army – the armed PYD), despite the presence of dozens of Asayish checkpoints along the connecting road, without being subjected to any harassment by the armed brigades or the Turkish army.

The source indicated that the brigades receive the organization’s members without security concerns, and they live in the homes of the people of the cities of Sere Kanye (Ras al-Ain) and Girê Spi (Tall Abyad), and some of them are housed in government buildings such as schools and others.

The source noted that the majority of the organization’s members are from the city of Deir Ezzor and its countryside and are of Iraqi nationality, and most of them engage in a short period among the ranks of the brigades, and depend on them in many missions and operations in the Kurdish cities and villages that they control, stressing that few of them go to Idlib, Jarablus and the rest Areas controlled by the Turkish-backed brigades.

It is reported that violations are still continuing in the areas controlled by the Turkish-backed armed brigades against the Kurds in Afrin, Sere Kanye and Girê Spi, without the concerned countries in the Syrian situation taking a finger or limiting these violations of kidnapping, killing and looting.

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