Special Representative Ambassador Jeffrey Travels to Northeast Syria, Iraq, and Germany
Special Representative for Syria Engagement and Special Envoy to the Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS Ambassador James Jeffrey, joined by Special Envoy for Syria Joel Rayburn, travels to northeast Syria, Erbil, Iraq, and Berlin, Germany from September 20-24.
On September 20, Ambassador Jeffrey traveled to northeast Syria for separate meetings with senior officials of the Syrian Democratic Forces, the negotiating delegations of the ongoing Intra-Kurdish dialogue, and with ranking council members and tribal leaders from the Dayr al-Zawr region. In all of his meetings, Ambassador Jeffrey expressed the United States’ appreciation for the many sacrifices the people of Syria have made in recent years, especially those who gave their lives in the fight to accomplish the territorial defeat of ISIS. Ambassador Jeffrey also emphasized the need for continued cooperation and coordination in the D-ISIS campaign to ensure the enduring defeat of ISIS and the delivery of humanitarian and stabilization assistance to liberated areas. He also emphasized the United States will remain closely linked with partners on the ground to coordinate both military and civilian efforts to ensure ISIS does not re-emerge and to achieve a peaceful resolution of the Syrian conflict under UN Security Council Resolution 2254 by working with all Syrians opposed to the Assad regime.
Ambassador Jeffrey arrived in Erbil on Sunday evening where he will have meetings with senior leaders from the Iraqi Kurdistan Region, including President Nechirvan Barzani, to discuss our continued cooperation to ensure the enduring defeat of ISIS in Iraq and Syria and our ongoing stabilization efforts in areas liberated from ISIS. In all of his meetings, Ambassador Jeffrey will emphasize our continued support to the Iraqi Security Forces, including Peshmerga, in the fight against ISIS and reaffirm the United States’ commitment to a strong, sovereign, and prosperous Iraq.
Ambassador Jeffery will arrive in Berlin on September 23 for meetings with senior German officials to discuss the situation in Syria and our ongoing shared efforts to ensure an enduring defeat of ISIS, as well as our efforts to achieve a resolution of the Syrian conflict in line with UNSCR 2254.