Call from the family of the kidnapped girl Rawan Aliko
Yekiti Media
The family of the kidnapped Kurdish girl, Rawan Aliko, issued an appeal at Saturday, six months after her abduction and not to return her home despite promises made to the family.
The text of the statement …
Six months after the promises to return her to the home by the Childhood Office, but unfortunately they evaded fulfilling their promises, the father of the minor Rawan Imran Aliko launches an appeal to the leadership of the SDF to assume the legal and humanitarian responsibility that he undertook and return the minor to them.
No matter how the Autonomous Administration changes its structure and how it tries to present something that satisfies the citizen, it will not succeed in reaching the heart and feelings of the Kurdish citizen …
They robbed them of the soul and the heart (their children).
As long as it was not serious about returning children to their families, and the Childhood Office was a deadly poison that was consumed by minors, so humanity died in them at the hands of the office’s employees.
Today, six months have passed since Rawan Aliko was absent, and we still believe in vain that the Childhood Office will fulfill its moral obligations before the international community and the Kurdish citizen in returning minors.
(Khaled Jaber) also claims in his talk about protecting children and childhood and keeping them out of work and militarism.
It is enough for you to tamper with our feelings, as we are human beings with feelings and we are not a stone withaout feelings. Our patience until today is our hope, just as the administration promised us to return it after completing the training course, but they did not fulfill their obligations towards us, and the office with the administration does not know that Rawan is my daughter and it is not a commercial commodity that I can overlook and forget.
Today the administration is required to achieve justice for us, we are the society and the family, the basis of the homeland, and our collapse will be the collapse of the administration.
Today my wounds bleed, and tomorrow everyone’s wounds will bleed.
No one will feel this pain and this disaster except for those who have tasted it by force
Glory and eternity to the martyrs of the homeland