A Statement on the Fabricated PYD Charges against the President of the Kurdish National Council
Yekiti Media
In the most complicated circumstances of the Kurdish issue, where the Iraqi Kurdistan is subjected to occupying aggression by the militias of the popular mobilization , Hashed Al Shabi, and the Iraqi forces which are supported of the oppressive regimes of Kurdistan in order to eliminate the gains of the Kurdish people and Kurdish areas that liberated them with the blood of the Peshmerga martyrs, faced the most terrorist organization, ISIS.
In these circumstances, after the setback of Kirkuk, the voices of the Kurdistanists are rising, condemning what happened in Kirkuk and demanding unity of the class in all parts of Kurdistan to face the imminent dangers.
At this delicate time in the history of our Kurdish people, the Kurdish National Council, KNC ,is completing preparations for the convening of its fourth conference, which will be the unity of the Kurdish ranks at the forefront of its agenda.
In spite of these trends, the Democratic Party of the Democratic Party (PYD) came out with a new repeated play, fabricated from its plays that became familiar to our people in Syria’s Kurdistan, and a systematic escalation against the leaders and cadres of the Kurdish National Council.
That the so-called public prosecutor on” Al Jazeera District” filed a lawsuit on 10 October 2017 to the so-called People’s Defense Court, including the indictment of the President of the Kurdish National Council and the secretary of Kurdish Yekiti Party Mr.Ibrahim Bro accused him by “treason ,terrorist acts and killing civilians” relying on false charges of their imagination, Who disagrees with them to distort his reputation and insult his glorious history in the prisons of tyranny and defending the justice of the Kurdish issue in the courts of the regimes and international forums.
Not only that , they go further when they incited a group of young boys to go to the house of one of his relatives, saying they were looking for Ibrahim Bro to kill him because he was a traitor . Then ,they had kidnapped him in the center of the town of Kamishlo city , in the eastern north of syria on 2016/8/13 and threw him at night outside the border with Iraqi Kurdistan, threatening him that if he returned to Rojava , Kurdistan of Syria , they would assassinate him.
These actions ,practices and the fabrication of charges against their political opponents prove to our people the falsity of their claims about their keenness on the unity of the Kurdish class, and also aims to undermine the position of our party and the general public that rejects these terrorist practices.
Our party affirms its commitment to the Kurdish national project in Kurdistan of Syria and its commitment to work on the unity of the Kurdish class through the Kurdish National Council, and strengthen its role among our people and communicate with all parties , national figures and civil society organizations within the country and work for fair representation of our people in all international forums To resolve the Syrian crisis to build a democratic,
a pluralistic and federal Syria.
We call all the international community and human rights organizations to assume their responsibilities and exert the necessary pressure on the Democratic Union Party, PYD, to stop practices, abuses and flagrant violations against our society and political movement in order to ensure civil peace and stability.
Central Committee of Kurdish Yekiti Party
Kamishlo, 01.11.2017