The activities of Kurdistan Yekiti Party – Syria
Yekiti Media
The Kurdistan Yekiti Party – Syria is consider one of the parties that founded the Kurdish National Council in Syria in 2011. The party is still include with the Council and all institutions and bodies affiliated with the Council.
During the current month, Yekiti Party branches in Kurdish cities organized several political, social and cultural events.
On June 12, the Derek branch of the Yekiti Party opened an office in the presence of political parties, intellectuals and social figures.
Saturday, June 26, a political meeting for the Party Secretary Suleiman Oso with the political parties were organized. The meeting focused on the latest developments in the political situation in Syria, the Kurdish region, and the dialogue between the Kurdish National Council and the Democratic Union Party.
On June 25, the Amuda branch of the party opened the new office in the presence of the political parties and the Kurdish National Council.
On June 24, the Girke Lege branch participated in a sit-in called by the Kurdish National Council on the occasion of the forty-seventh anniversary of the racist Arab belt project.
The branch visited national figures in the region, namely: Abdulaziz Msho, Mahmoud Abu Saud, Delksh Maree, Majed Maree, and the branch visited the religious figure, Sheikh Moaz Alwan Haqqi in the village of Hilweh Al-Sheikh.
The Party branch also visited the family of the detainee at the Democratic Union Party, Abdul Ghaffar Muhammad, in the village of Alah Qos.
On the occasion of the anniversary of the racist Arab belt, the party in Qamishlo organized a symposium on the effects of the belt on the Kurdish issue, which was delivered by Professor Muhammad Zaki Osi on June 23, and another symposium in the town of Terbespi on June 25.
In the city of Kobani, members and leadership of the Yekiti Party visited the shrine of the martyrs of the night of treachery on June 25, on the occasion of the sixth anniversary of the ISIS terrorist attack on the city, which is under the control of the People’s Protection Units of the Democratic Union Party.
On June 1, the party visited the shrine of the martyr Sheikh Muhammad Ma’shuq al-Khaznawi in the city of Qamishlo, with a large crowd in attendance, and the party’s secretary gave a speech on the occasion of the 16th anniversary of his martyrdom.
A delegation from the Kurdistan Unity Party visited the Yekiti party office in the city of Dohuk in the Kurdistan region of Iraq on June 25.
In the city of Afrin, a delegation from the Yekiti Party branch offered condolences for the death of several citizens due to the detonation of a car bomb on June 13.
On June 5, a delegation from the Yekiti Party leadership visited the journalist Hussam al-Qass in the city of Derik on the occasion of his release from the Democratic Union Party (PYD) gunmen.
Also, the Yekiti branch in Erbil organized a dialogue session on the East Euphrates region on June 3.