To support PKK.. the PYD administration imposes new royalties on truck drivers
The administration of the Democratic Union Party (PYD) imposed royalties on drivers of freight cars and large cars, under the pretext of supporting the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) in Qandil.
The citizen (S.B.), a driver of a freight car said toYekiti Media, , “The Drivers’ Syndicate imposed on our cars a card to fill in diesel on a monthly basis, the purpose of which is to collect the card fees from all cars on a monthly basis.”
The source added, preferring not to be named, “When the union visited a few days ago to renew the card, I was surprised by their request to pay 50,000 Syrian pounds as aid to the guerrillas (PKK elements) in Qandil.”
He continued, “The office employee threatened me to cut off the fuel oil and not to give me the diesel card in case I refrain from paying that royalty that they call Alikari-Help.”
The source concluded his speech to our website by saying, “Knowing that the amount of diesel they give us every week is not enough to work for three days, this administration did not keep good in any work and participated in all people in their livelihoods.”
It is worth noting that the PYD administration imposes royalties under various names and pretexts, in light of the difficult economic conditions experienced by the people, especially as the region is witness a drought that it has not witnessed for years, as farmers incurred huge losses estimated at millions.