U.S. Embassy Syria: Bashar al-Assad and his regime are directly responsible for Syria’s economic meltdown
Yekiti Media
Said U.S. Embassy Syria on twitter: The only exit strategy available to the Syrian regime is UNSCR 2254. The regime must take irreversible steps to implement a political solution to the Syrian conflict that respects the rights and will of the Syrian people, or face further targeted sanctions and isolation.
And added: As Ambassador Jeffrey has repeatedly stated publicly and privately, Bashar al-Assad and his regime are directly responsible for Syria’s economic meltdown.
And mentioned: The Assad regime squanders tens of millions of dollars each month to fund a needless war against the Syrian people instead of providing for their basic needs.
Stressed that: The United States will continue targeted sanctions and increased economic pressure on the Assad regime until there is irreversible progress on the political process, including a nationwide ceasefire, as called for by UNSCR 2254.