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A Statement By Yekiti Kurdistani Party’s Central Committee

Yekiti Media

The Central Committee held its regular meeting in early April 2019. In the beginning, the organizational situation of the party organizations at home and abroad was discussed and their reports were responded.

The meeting confirmed the completion of the rest of the confessional parties according to the approved organizational mechanisms and principles and the need to communicate with all party organizations to develop an action plan, then tasks were distributed to comrades to activate the work of party offices specialized to make a quantum leap as an important step towards institutionalism and specialization of the party’s performance in order to to keep up with the developments of this phase.

The meeting also reviewed the political situation in Syria in general and Syrian Kurdistan in particular.

Members of the Central Committee reviewed the meetings that were held by the representatives of the Kurdish National Council (ENKS) with countries that are involved in the Syrian file and the positive evaluation of these meetings to develop an international stance on the Kurdish issue.

Moreover, it emphasized on the adherence to the national rights of Kurdish people according to international conventions and intensifying the diplomatic activity of the great powers, European and regional countries concerned with the Syrian crisis, and persuading them to include a fair solution to the Kurdish issue in the future Syrian constitution in order to ensure stability and security in Syria.

The participants additionally discussed the policy pursued by America in the recent period by tightening the screws on Iran to increase its isolation and designation of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard (IRGC) as a terrorist organization, indicating that America is determined to continue a policy of isolating Iran to reduce its hegemony in both Syria and Iraq.

This needs more coordination and understandings between America and other international parties, specifically Turkey, on the ideas put forward to establish a safe zone in the east of the Euphrates and along the border with Turkey. This depends on the extent of Turkey’s response to the U.S. demands, which are summarized in two points: the economic siege of Iran, Russia, and these disputes are subject to some extent to Turkish and Israeli elections.

As for the acts of looting, grave violations and demographic change in Afrin by the armed groups there, and the continued arrest of civilians and activists, including the head of the local council of the Kurdish National Council, Afrin Hussein Ibish and other members of the Council. The rights of the Kurds, and the statements and calls launched on the start of the liberation of Afrin, as well as bombings by some circles and in coordination with some influential in the armed groups controlling there aims to blow up the efforts of the centers And human rights organizations to urge the Turkish state to carry out its legal duties towards what is happening in Afrin, serves the agenda of the survival of these factions in Afrin and continue to release its hand on its violations under the pretext of fighting terrorism. The meeting considered that it requires the international community to carry out its responsibilities and put an end to these blatant violations All armed groups and to hand over their management to their indigenous populations and protect them by their people pending a comprehensive political settlement of the Syrian crisis.

The meeting also stopped the events of March and expressed their deep resentment and condemnation of the PYD militants encircling the scene of the International Women’s Day in Qamshilo called by the Kurdish National Council as well as trying to prevent the public from reaching the cemetery of Hilaliya to visit the shrines of the martyrs of the uprising of March 2004, In its authoritarian mentality and its intimidating practices to break the will of all those who disagree with it by narrowing the screws on political action, especially for the Kurdish National Council parties, the policy of mouths and prisons for members of the Council and its supporters, Rassat will not dissuade our people from pursuing their struggle with determination and determination.

The meeting expressed its satisfaction with the departure of thousands of our people to nature to celebrate its national day in a civilized and peaceful manner, raising the Kurdish flag.In conclusion, the meeting stressed that the attempts to undermine the Yekiti Party will not deter us from moving forward in implementing the decisions of the Eighth Conference of the Party and interact with the masses, and make every effort to win the rights of our people within the framework of a democratic Syrian federal.

Qamshilo, Mid-April, 2019

Yekiti Kurdistani Party’s Central Committee

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