Kurdish National Council Statement About Violations In Afrin
Yekiti Media
The Kurdish National Council in Syria issued a statement on Monday about the violations in Afrin, Gire Spi and Serêkaniyê by armed factions, including killing, kidnapping, torture, looting and robbery.
According to the council’s statement, “These factions’ infighting over the spoils has revealed, according to the information received, they have kidnapped Kurdish women, put them in secret detention centers and treated them inhumanely.”
The Kurdish National Council condemned those violations and crimes, and demanded at the same time the Turkish state to stop these violations, hold the perpetrators accountable, and remove these armed factions from Afrin.
The Council also appealed to “the concerned countries, the United Nations and humanitarian organizations to stand by the Kurdish people in their suffering and to allow the international human rights organizations and media agencies to cover and document daily violations and work to provide security and safety for these areas.”