Statement to the public opinion (About the open hunger strike of the detainee Hamid Marwan Ide in Alaya Prison in Qamishlo)
The “Asayish/Police” forces of the Democratic Union Party (PYD) arrested the young Hamid Ide, son of a leader of the Kurdistan Yekiti Party – Syria, Marwan Idi, a day after an attempt to assassinate him by shooting at his car in the city of Amuda by an armed group affiliated with the PYD on 12.06.2022
The failed assassination attempt and subsequent arrest of Hamid came against the background of his posts on his Facebook page criticizing the decisions and policies of the de facto authority run by the PYD by proxy, without subjecting him to trial or directing charges against him, and his family was not allowed to appoint a lawyer for him. Hamid was interrogated by PKK cadres and was informed that he had been sentenced to two years in prison and was not allowed to appeal the verdict even though it had not been submitted to the courts that the PYD claims to exist.
More than a hundred days after his arrest, Hamid Ide has been on an open hunger strike since Wednesday 21.09.2022 inside Alaya Prison in Qamishlo city until his release.
The Democratic Union Party, by continuing its policy of silence, arrests, and restrictions that affects all our people, especially activists and journalists, seeks to undermine the will of our people, subjugate them to their authority, intimidate them and discourage them from expressing their opinions and positions freely.
We in the Kurdistan Yekiti Party – Syria, while we affirm that such terrorist acts will not deter us from continuing the struggle to obtain the rights of our people and preserve their dignity and freedom in the future Syria. Immediately on him and all prisoners of conscience and reveal the fate of those who have disappeared in the prisons of the Democratic Union Party and the Syrian Democratic Forces. We also call on humanitarian and human rights organizations and the United Nations, foremost among which is the United States of America, which has influence in the region, to assume its responsibilities by pressing the “SDF” to stop these violations and intimidating acts against our people and work to release Hamid Ide, and we hold the PYD administration and the SDF leadership responsible for any harm that may be caused to him as a result of the hunger strike.
Qamishlo 22.09.2022
The Central Committee of the Kurdistan Yekiti Party – Syria