The mismanagement of the Democratic Union Party puts citizens in front of a real catastrophe and a major demographic change
Mismanagement in the areas administered by the Democratic Union Party pushes citizens to migrate, forcing them to abandon their areas in search of a decent life and to live in safety.
Migration is one of the most common phenomena that we see in Syrian Kurdistan, especially in recent years.
Some citizens say: (We lived through many wars in the region, which prompted us to leave and emigrate), including the ongoing civil wars, as well as the Turkish attacks, and the compulsory recruitment by the PYD administration by taking Kurdish youth for recruitment in areas outside Syrian Kurdistan, such as Raqqa, Deir ez-Zor and others, which was a major reason at the time for migration to protect their children from death and danger.
Likewise, poor living conditions due to high prices, lack of availability of consumables, as well as lack of rain and poor agricultural harvests in recent years.
All of this caused a psychological crisis for the citizens other than the economic crisis, so the citizen began looking for a safe and stable haven, and they did not find a solution for that other than emigration from the homeland, which was not granted by the administration of the region.
Some citizens say that since the beginning of the revolution until now, we have not seen safety and comfort in our homes, and we no longer feel stable. Our thinking has become distracted about how to secure a means of living. Everything has become impossible. Living with the simplest rights has become impossible. We imagined a more beautiful, stable and secure life with the start of the Syrian revolution and the management of the Kurds in the region, we are now living a worse life and we dream of the return of life as it was before, as the mismanagement in this region and the corruption that we see, has now become one of the most motivating reasons for migration, for those who did not think about emigrating during the years of war and Turkish attacks, their only desire is to leave and the search for a better life away from the injustice they live among their people in the region.
Some citizens also say that the region witnessed more emigration in these two years than the years of war and emigration in 2014 and 2015.
What we see and live in the region is not caused by war, but rather mismanagement and corruption have become the main reason for migration now. Everything is available. If the administration was sound and worked to protect citizens and secure livelihoods, we would not see such migration. We can no longer think of anything other than securing our daily sustenance. We have forgotten who we are, we have forgotten our dreams (the dream of seeing Kurdistan), and we give up our lands and leave because of the circumstances that this administration makes difficult for us. They force us to leave in other ways, they fight us with the most basic rights to live, everything can be secured easily, and simplify life here, but they are methods to push us to leave. For example, the fuel oil that the citizen uses for heating in the winter and means of transportation, as well as its use in home electricity generators, has become in the form of allotted quotas on the card. These allotted quotas are few and are not sufficient for the citizen’s need. The argument is that they are not available and are priced at 410 SP per liter. As for the free diesel of excellent quality, the price of a liter is 1200 SP. This quality is widely available amid a crisis in the gas stations, and its quality is no different from the quality of diesel with a price of 410 SP, but it is a trick to sell at a high price, in addition to the amount of diesel allocated within the card is not sufficient for people’s needs, as well as the quality with a price of 410 SP. They are forcing the citizen to buy at high prices. Also, the gas jars that are also included in the monthly fuel card are few. Every three months, one gas jar can be obtained from the commune. This jar will certainly not suffice any family during this long period, which forces them to buy freely outside the commune at a very high price. The price of a jar within the commune is 9,500, while a jar is no less than 60,000. This indicates its availability, its monopoly, and the corruption of the region’s administration. Likewise, like bread, at each period they reduce the quantity under the pretext of the lack of flour, so the people forced to buy touristic bread, which they raise the price each time, as the difference is very large,18 loaves cost 1,000 SP. The difference is huge and beyond the ability of many to buy touristic bread. The question here is: As long as touristic bread is available, isn’t this evidence of the availability of flour? Why monopoly and exploitation of the people in this way?
This is evidence that everything is available and in large quantities, but they make it difficult for the people and force them to leave.
The citizens of the region add: We no longer have the ability to bear it any longer. We are now selling our lands and properties and emigrating. We are selling the fatigue of life and the heirs of our ancestors and their lands to flee to a safe haven. They are forcing us to leave our lands and make us live in psychological wars. Between how to secure diesel, bread, gas and other necessities of life. We no longer think about our lands or the land of Kurdistan and what will happen if we leave. We no longer feel that we are on the land of Kurdistan. We sell our property and we do not think about who will buy and live in our homes after us. Perhaps this is what they want. A real disaster and a major demographic change.