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A delegation from the Kurdish National Council meets with the Russian Deputy Foreign Minister

Yekiti Media


The delegation of the Kurdish National Council in Syria met today, Friday, October 28, 2021, with Mr. Mikhail Bogdanov, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and Special Envoy of the Russian President in the Middle East

The council delegation spoke about the political process in Syria and the recent developments in the work of the Constitutional Committee and the implementation of Resolution 2254

They also discussed the situation in the Kurdish areas in general and the need to work with the Russian side to find a solution to the Kurdish issue in Syria and to establish the Kurdish rights constitutionally.

For his part, Mr. Bogdanov stressed the need to work in accordance with international resolutions and to continue efforts for a political solution

He stressed their support for the rights of the Kurds and other components in Syria within the framework of a comprehensive political solution in Syria, and believed that the unity of the Kurdish ranks helps in efforts to establish these rights.


Office of External Relations

The Kurdish National Council in Syria

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