Breaking news
A Declaration from the Kurdish national council
Yekiti Media Under campaign of military conscription A patrol from Alasayesh forces which is periodical to the Democratic union party…
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Breaking news
Yekiti party finished the work of it’s eighth conference in Qamishlo city
Yekiti Media Yekiti Alkurdistani -Syria party finished it’s eighth conference today morning in Qamishlo city in the name of the…
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Breaking news
Jabbar Yawar: America continues to support the Peshmerga forces
Yekiti Media Jabbar Yawar, Secretary General of the Ministry of Peshmerga, announced the continued support of US forces to the…
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Hillary Clinton; This President is putting our national security at grave risk
Yekiti Media The ex minister of foreign affairs Hillary Clinton said that the current president of America is putting our…
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Breaking news
Masoud Barzani :I’m worried about the future of the Kurdish people in Syria
Yekiti Media The president Masoud expressed his concern about the Kurdish situation in Kurdistan Syria after the declaration of the…
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Breaking news
Moscow received a delegation from the Kurdish national council
Yekiti Media Mikhail Bogdanov the Russian deputy minister foreign affairs received a delegation from the foreign relation committee of the…
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Breaking news
U.S. Military Preparing for a Full Withdrawal of Its Forces From Syria
Yekiti Media The U.S. military is preparing tow ithdraw its forces from Syria, people familiar with the matter said Wednesday,a…
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Regional & World News
Kurdish Woman Wins $7.8 Million Lottery Prize
Yekiti Media Kurdish woman living in Canada on Saturday won $7.8 million after randomly buying a lottery ticket in the…
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Regional & World News
Salah Ammo .. When a refugee artist becomes a bridge between two homelands
Yekiti Media Salah Ammo is Kurd & from Syria.Two years ago he was stranded on the run in Vienna. All…
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Breaking news
James F. Jeffrey; The entering of Roj peshmerga was done with Washington understanding.
Yekiti Media US Syria Envoy James F. Jeffrey: The Roj Peshmerga deployment across the border. that was done with our understanding…
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